I won't care what people think for me it's okay, because practice makes perfect thats all that matters. I'll be sure to check it out. Also tell your brother to stop playing L4D2 every once in awhile it's very addicting if you play it too much, because my room was a mess this morning, because I forgot to clean it since I was busy playing it all night.
I have no idea if you like both why not do it or is it because you can only get one.
Still I have no clue at all I got this headache from playing to much L4D2 and I lost focus on my game programming for 2 day what a drag.
My brother is playing L4D2 outside my room right now, begging me to join him. I'm only asking if I should post it here because I'm going to post it on devArt anyway, but NG might only like actual animations and not pointless practice.