Haha, way to kill the mood, Mel. :p
In response to... *your* response, your art *is* being graded. Sort of. Constructive criticism is a great way to grow, though, and although NG has its share of trolls (a wise man once said that "in life there are only three certainties: death and taxes and trolls"), most of the community aren't dumbasses. Of course, I'm using the word "most" rather loosely here, but you know what I mean... ;p
Anyway, my original point was that you shouldn't be shy about posting your art, 'cause we love it!
Fun Fact:
The symbolic meaning of a blue lotus:
This is the symbol of the victory of the spirit over the senses, of intelligence and wisdom, of knowledge. It is always represented as a partially opened bud, and (unlike the red lotus) its centre is never seen. It is the lotus of Manjusri, and also one of the attributes of Prajnaparamita, the embodiment of the 'perfection of wisdom'.
Oooh, big words. Hay do you have any chocolate left or did you eat it all?