I missed you guys! Let me update on what has happened in the last month...
For starters, it was my and my boyfriend's one year anniversary on May 3rd. :) <3 We went out to dinner and had a great time.
My grad was last week. It was amazing! Sadly, I didn't get to finish my papier mache peacock in time, so all that went up was the two ten-feet-tall people made of saran wrap and tape, and my 2010 splash screen. I got so many compliments on them! Afterwards, we went to a party and everyone got totally smashed but me (I don't drink) and my boyfriend sunk to a new low, lol. We have a million new inside jokes from that night.
I'm currently working hard on finishing art projects, because school's out in two weeks. My final project is digital, so I've got to put a little more effort into it. It's going to be great! I'll post it as soon as I'm finished... Unless I'm at school, because NG's blocked there, haha. The second one I'm working on is almost done. There isn't too much to it, just a girl on a patterned background. I like it a lot though.
I'm also in the middle of a Communications Technology project - this means I get to run around my school as Link fighting teachers with foam swords, and then edit the footage and add cool sound effects. I'll 100% definitely post a link to that shit once it's done! I tried on the costume today and totally felt like saving a princess.
Here's a pic of me standing in between the two huge plastic people on Grad night.